Well what can I say? Anyone who may have visited my website over the past 10 months or so will have seen no new work and no blog entries. Not great for business or marketing but every now and then something happens which alters your priorities and makes you focus on things that are more important.
My priorities changed last August when my dad was diagnosed with lung cancer. He had an operation to remove a lung which went well but it was to no avail as the cancer had spread quite quickly. He passed away at home on the 20th January this year. It was obviously very sad but I think it was as good as it gets, he was comfortable, in his own home with his wife of 50 years and his three children with him.
I visited dad almost everyday from the time of his diagnosis until his death. It was a reminder to me of the importance of family and friends and just spending time together. Whether it was a cup of tea, watching a football match on TV or in the latter stages giving him a shave it was great just to be in his company.
I really wasn’t sure about writing about this on my blog. I didn’t want it to turn into a tear-jerker of a post – my dad’s motto for life was “You’ve got to have a laugh” and I have the same philosophy – but I did want to explain the lack of activity on my website and there is also something strangely therapeutic about putting it in writing.
So here is one of my favourite photo’s of dad. It’s not great quality, a scan thats a bit dark of a black and white print from 11 years ago. Dad was a lover of food especially a decent full English breakfast and this photo shows him with my eldest son Christian when he was about 3 years old on his first visit to a proper breakfast cafe.
It’s amazing how important photographs become once someone is no longer around – I don’t take enough photos of my own family and avoid being in many myself so that is something I’m going to have to change!
Thanks for the memories Dad!